Friday, June 4, 2010

S.O.S. Blog #7 - 06/04/10

Today I had my first session at Curves. It was time (past time, really). My body fat ratio is off the charts and all the fun has gone out of shopping for clothes. When I left, the owner said, “See you next week.” Apparently, 45 minutes of exercise hadn’t done the trick. Suddenly, I realized that I would have to make a time commitment to my health - something I logically believe, but actually rarely do. So, I now have workouts on my calendar and will be devoting 30 minutes three times each week to Curves. Maybe with a lot of dedication my body will develop its own curves (in the right places for a change).....

Positive Spin Tip #6: Okay, we’ve discussed the first 5 steps in the G.I.G.G.L.E.™ process: GET MOVING, IDENTIFY, GROUP, GIVE IT A PLACE, and LABEL. Now we’re ready for the last step, ESTABLISH A ROUTINE. Habits are subconscious shortcuts. First, decide on one new habit you would like to develop, such as doing stretching exercises twice a day. Then, find two ways to remind yourself of your plan (i.e., leave sticky notes on your bathroom mirror or computer, and set an alarm or timer). Commit to a specific time to begin your new routine (7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8th), and schedule a date to check your progress (Tuesday, June 29th). Finally, tell someone about your plan. Sharing your goal can be an incentive to keep going when the novelty wears off - and it’s nice to have a cheerleader along the way. It takes about 21 days to establish a new routine, so be patient. In three weeks you’ll find yourself stretching without even thinking about it! Need help applying the G.I.G.G.L.E.™ process in your home or office? Just contact It will be a slimmer, healthier me answering your email:)

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