Friday, December 17, 2010

S.O.S. Blog #9 - 12/17/10

A couple of weeks ago I decided to bake a cake for my NAPO-MN holiday party. Not a big deal to most people, but something I haven’t done for years. While standing in the baking section of our local grocery store, a friend of mine (about my age and also divorced) stood behind me scanning the shelves of cooking oils opposite the cake mix section. Embarrassed, I admitted to her, “It’s been so long since I bought a cake mix, I don’t know what to choose.” She laughed and said, “That’s nothing. My oven is heating at home so I can bake brownies and I don’t even have 1/2 cup of oil! What kind am I supposed to get anyway?”
We reminisced a minute about how well-stocked our pantries used to be when we had children and spouses at home. Life has changed dramatically for both of us and, apparently, in ways we hadn’t anticipated or even recognized until that day.
For many of my clients, the clutter that has accumulated is because of changes in their lives...divorce, marriage (combined households), children moving in/out/in again, new jobs, parents aging/dying/moving into smaller homes, aging themselves, etc., etc. It's essential to give yourself time to adjust to these alterations, and to give yourself credit for the many accomplishments you're making every day.
Before long, a mess can become overwhelming - and depressing! One of the things I love most about being a professional organizer is helping others to feel better about their space and, in turn, themselves. Sometimes it just takes a nonjudgmental, objective person to guide you through the process of breaking the Huge Job of clearing a room or sorting piles of papers into manageable pieces. And, I’ve found we can have a lot of fun together while we’re at it.
Each year I write new lyrics to classic melodies as my holiday gift to other PO’s and my clients. If you’d like to see this year’s version, go to this link:
Also, if you’d like to take advantage of my S.O.S. BOGO special that ends Dec 31st, contact