Saturday, January 30, 2010

S.O.S. Blog #3 - 01/30/10

Can January already be almost over? Time goes by so quickly. Sometimes I feel like I’m finally ready for the holiday before last, but certainly not the current one. Stores have had Valentine’s Day displays out for a month and -I hate to admit this - I still have Christmas decorations waiting to be packed up. Before I put them away, they need to be sorted into “Keep for Next Year” and “Good-bye” boxes.
In my defense, I went to Arizona for a week to visit my dad and watch daughter Jami, her boyfriend Dave, and niece Renee run in the Phoenix half-marathon. So, what was the positive side of walking a quarter-marathon from and to the parking lot (okay, slight exaggeration) and standing around in the sun for hours waiting for everyone to get to the gathering spot? First of all, it was exciting to watch Jami run by - for the split second I could see her anyway. Plus, they ran their best times yet and were deservedly proud of that achievement. Most importantly, it was an opportunity to share a new experience with my family. What a great day to be a mom!
Now it’s time to buckle down and focus on clearing off the Christmas collection table. My goal is to get everything stored before February 14th. Time to G.I.G.G.L.E.!

Positive Spin Tip #3: As you heard in PS Tip #2, the G.I.G.G.L.E.™ process helps you to organize just about anything. The first step (G.) is to Get Moving, so I will start by checking my calendar and scheduling a time to start. It’s important to make a commitment by putting a task on your calendar or planner (a To Do list is really just a Wish List). Using a timer can also give you a boost when trying to get started. Set the timer for 10-20 minutes - or the time you feel you can dedicate to the task. Then, stick to the job until the timer goes off. You can always reset the timer if you’re motivated to keep going, but allow yourself a reward for sticking to your plan: Take a walk, have a snack, read one article in a magazine, or call a friend (set the timer again). Christmas decorations, here I come!
Next: Blog #4 will introduce the “I.” step of the G.I.G.G.L.E.™ process.
Enjoy Today!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

S.O.S. Blog #2 - 01/07/10

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but here in Isanti, Minnesota it’s FREEZING! Not only that, the wind is blowing like crazy so we have a wind chill factor of -11 (yes, that’s a minus sign). The streets are practically empty since most of us are staying cocooned at home if at all possible. It has been suggested (mostly by me) that the cold temperatures keep us preserved so we live longer, but today I believe that’s only true if you can stay indoors wrapped in a cuddly blanket or curled up in front of a toasty fireplace.
So, what can be positive about such frigid, windy weather - other than the living longer concept, of course? Well, as I drove past the Post Office today I noticed that the flag was totally unfurled, displaying all the stars and stripes to their fullest beauty. It gave me a moment of patriotic pride and made me think of how we sometimes look and do our best during challenging times.
Think about it. When you are under pressure to finish a project, hold back tears or fear in front of your child, drive on icy roads, or camouflage pain in front of a crowd or client, don’t you push yourself to give it your best effort? The times you shine are when you have had to polish your behavior or mindset to accomplish something important or meaningful. We notice the flag more when it is waving in the breeze (or frostbiting wind) than when it is sagging against the pole.
Positive Spin Tip #2: For the next several blogs I’m going to share the G.I.G.G.L.E.™ process for organizing just about anything. The first step (G.) is to Get Moving. When clients ask me where they should start in tackling a cluttered room, desk, closet, etc. I respond, “What’s bugging you the most?” It doesn’t matter so much where you start as that you start.
JUST do something!
Just DO something!
Motion creates energy. Once you get started, it will be easier to keep moving.
Watch for Blog #3 for some tips on how to actually get yourself going. If you need help organizing your home, office, or life, find me at

Friday, January 1, 2010

S.O.S. Blog #1 - 01/01/10

Welcome to the new decade - and my new blog. While taking a shower awhile back I started thinking about how much I dislike washing my hair, with all the drying and styling, etc. that follows (even though I only spend about 4 minutes blow drying and rarely do more than brush into shape). Then, it occurred to me that I could change that negative feeling into something positive by considering instead what a joy it is to have someone else wash my hair. Within moments, memories of my sister massaging my scalp at her barber shop brought a smile and changed my perspective on the day.
Why not, I thought, apply that same principle to other negatives in my life? So, a blog idea was born. Each entry will share a positive spin on a negative situation. Sometimes it will reflect someone else’s positive attitude or experience (wait until you hear about my son Michael), and hopefully it will help you to find more smiles in your life.
Being a professional organizer for the past 20 years, I also want to share some tips that relate - even if remotely - to the Positive Spin of the day.
Here’s Tip #1: Instead of planning a long list of New Year’s resolutions - or saying, “I never keep them, so I’m not even making them” - just choose one simple, positive goal for this day, week, or month. Keep it simple and short. For instance, instead of saying, “I’m not going to eat anymore junk food,” tell yourself, “I’m going to allow myself one treat each day this week.” Then, next week you may resolve to allow yourself one small treat each day, the following week you can change to one healthy treat each day. Keep it simple, keep the time short. If your new resolution works for a week, you can renew the same one for next week until you’re ready to move on.
Also, be sure to reflect on your progress each day. It’s important to congratulate yourself on even small achievements and let that strengthen your resolve for the next day. Reward yourself each time you stick to your plan (no, not with a bowl of ice cream!). Give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself, “Good job!” or “You did it - hooray!” See that smile on the face in the mirror? That’s what your true goal should be.